pacman, rainbows, and roller s
Text generator
1.Install "NortonSymbianHack.sisx".
2. Launch it.
3. Go Options - Anti-Virus - Quarantine list
4. Go Options - Restore. Accept prompt.
5. Exit application.
6. Install "RomPatcherPlus_3.1.sisx" from ""
7. Launch and apply patches:
- Open4all for full access to file system.
- Installserver for installing any unsigned applications.
(If "Installserver" has red cross, follow steps 8 to 15.)
(If checked, reboot now your phone.)
Note: Set patches to auto if needed. (Options - Add to auto)
8. Install X-Plore.
9. Open it.
10. Press (Menu - Tools - Configuration).
11. Check all. (Show Hidden Files, etc.)
12. Open ""
13. Choose what Symbian OS you have. (List below)
14. Copy "installserver.exe" from the folder of your OS to "C:/sys/bin".
(No need to apply patch on RomPatcher.)
15. Reboot phone.

Installserver List:
by zeus:

installserver91: For E60, E61i, E62, E65, E70, N71, N73, N75, N77, N80, N91,N92. (Symbian 9.1)
installserver92: For E51, E90, N76, N81, N81 8GB, N82, N93, N93i, N95, N95-2, 6290,5700, 6120, 6110, i520, i550, i400, i450, i560, G810, N78, N96,6220. (Symbian 9.2, 9.3)
installserver3250: For 3250.
installserver5500: For 5500.
installservere50: For E50.
installservere61: For ?61 or 3250. (If first file won't work "only")

extract yung quarantine to drive C(dapat mag kakasariling folder yan ha hehehehe )
Then install antivirus
after installing open anti virus go to option setting quarantine list mark all then restore all files atfer ma restore exit then delete antivirus
Then install rompatcher 3.1 lite version then apply all okey nha hack nha cp mo
if ever nha makaencounter ng X sa appying all sa rompatcher copy the compatible installer server for your c:sys/bin dapat compatible.
RomPatcherPlus 3.1 LiteVer